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London Library Lit Fest
From Saturday, May 01, 2021 -  08:00am
To Monday, May 03, 2021 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1821
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From the web page

We’re bringing together some of the brightest stars in the literary firmament for an eclectic and thought-provoking Bank Holiday weekend of online talks, workshops and performances, exploring libraries and The London Library in particular, as open places of community, discovery and refuge; where every book and every voice has a place; where ideas and creativity can form and grow. 

Salman Rushdie joins us to mark 40 years since the publication of Midnight’s Children; Simon Schama talks famous literary friendships and rivalries; Sarah Waters chats to Hallie Rubenhold, Tom Stoppard to Edmund de Waal, Polly Samson to Edward Docx; we celebrate Rebecca West and Stefan Zweig; delve into our famously eccentric Science & Miscellaneous section with 5x15, discover lost literary gems with Virago and Hamish Hamilton and gender swap stories with Karrie Fransman and Jonathan Plackett. We premiere our dramatisation of A Room of One’s Own and then go out with a poetry party, courtesy of Malika’s Poetry Kitchen. All that and plenty more besides.

Tickets for most events cost £5 or you can buy a Festival Pass at the very reasonable price of £25 for all the weekend’s events.